Honey Mustard Chicken & Apples

Today was the first day in forever that I woke, got out of bed, and put on socks.  Now you may be wondering to yourself why you should care that I put on socks.  Well, my putting on socks after waking up signifies the beginning of fall.  Finally!  I woke up and was chilly enough to have to cover my feet.  And when I left for class that afternoon, it still was fairly cool.  Well, I wasn’t sweating by the time I made it to the psychology building at least.

I knew to usher in the new season I needed a fall dish for dinner tonight.  What is more autumn than baked apples? I always have apples on hand and had bought chicken breast, so I was ready to go. However, I was not ready to turn my oven on and bake my entire apartment yet, so I made the recipe work entirely on the stove.  And one pan no less.

Adapted from Food Network Magazine

16 ounces chicken breast
Salt and pepper
Red onion, coarsely chopped
3 apples, chopped in large chunks
1/2 cup cup chicken stock
4 tablespoons Dijon mustard
4 tablespoons honey
1 tablespoon cornstarch
Parsley, chopped


Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat.  Cut chicken breast into 4 pieces and pound thin. Cook chicken breast about 3-5 minutes each side. Remove chicken from pan. Add red onion and apples and cook for 4-5 minutes.

Whisk chicken stock, mustard, and honey together.  Add to pan and bring to a boil.  Mix cornstarch with water.  Whisk into pan. Let cook 2-3 additional minutes until apples and onions are soft and sauce is thickened.  Return chicken to pan and quickly coat with sauce if desired. Remove chicken.

Plate the honey mustard apples and onions.  Place chicken on top.  Garnish with parsley.

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