Scallops Provencal

Oh, Ina, Ina, Ina.  What happened to us?

We used to be so in sync, and you always knew exactly what I wanted.  But this dish was not the same religious, life changing experience that I had with all of your other recipes.

Now, now, let’s not fight.  It’s not you, it’s me.  I know the sea scallops didn’t cook like you said they would, but the real problem is that I don’t like sea scallops.  Something about sea scallops’ texture is just off for me. I much prefer the bay scallops.

But Ina’s (we are on a first name basis) butter, shallot, parsley sauce is, as always, divine.  Just the sauce on pasta is fantastic by itself if anyone else out there besides me doesn’t like sea scallops.

Now I am off to make Ina’s Bay Scallop Gratin post haste to redeem scallops.

Adapted from Ina Garten

6 ounces linguine
3/4 pound sea scallops
Kosher salt and black pepper, to taste
All-purpose flour, for dredging scallops
4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) unsalted butter, divided
2 -3 shallots, chopped
1 garlic clove, minced
2-3 tablespoons dried parsley
1/3 cup dry white wine
1 lemon, cut in ½


Boil a large pot of water and cook pasta according to instructions.

Sprinkle the scallops with salt and pepper. Dredge through flour. Shake off excess flour.

In a large skillet, melt 2 tablespoons of butter over high heat. Place scallops in one layer in skillet. Lower to medium heat. The scallops with brown lightly- do not move them for about 5-6 minutes. Turn scallops over and cook for 5 additional minutes. Remove the scallops and set aside.

Melt the rest of the butter in the pan. Add shallots, garlic, and parsley. Cook for 2 more minutes. Add wine and cook for an additional minute. Add scallops back in and toss.

Serve over pasta with a squeeze of lemon juice.

Serves 3.

Bay Scallops Gratin

I have said it before, and I will say it again: Ina Garten is a culinary genius.

I made this dish for the first time with friends, and I had never even heard of a scallop before.  In fact, I confused a scallop with scallion, thinking it was a green onion-centric dish.  I was a lost cooking soul back then.  (And it took me several weeks after that to be able to remember scallop, scallion, and green onion differences).

But this dish was DELICIOUS.  This is my mom’s favorite dish.  It’s butter filled, lemony, crunchy yet tender- basically it’s Ina at her best.

Adapted from Ina Garten

3 tablespoons butter, softened
4 garlic cloves, minced
1-2 shallots, minced
4-5 slices cooked bacon, crumbled
1 tablespoon parsley flakes
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
2 tablespoons olive oil
6 tablespoons panko
3 tablespoons white wine
1 pound bay scallops


Preheat oven to 425°F.
In a medium bowl, combine butter, garlic, shallot, bacon, parsley, lemon juice, salt, and pepper. (Using a fork or whisk is easier than a spoon).  While whisking, slowly add olive oil.  Fold in panko.  Set aside.
Wash and dry scallops.  Add the wine to the bottom of a 9×9 baking pan.  Arrange scallops on top.  Spread the butter mixture evenly over scallops.  Bake 10-12 minutes, until golden brown.  Serve immediately.
Serves 3-4.